Pre-diabetes and Diabetes

Pre-diabetes is a random blood sugar greater than 100 according to the American diabetes association.  I have many patients who fall into this category.  What is important is that a conversation is had with the patient about their diet and lifestyle.  Is there a lot of stress, or a lot of sugar in the diet, and no exercise?

At my clinic, I have this conversation with you when reviewing  your  detailed 11-page health history questionnaire.  Once I uncover the issues, we set a workable plan to lower your risk for progressing into diabetes and reversing any existing disease.  An important functional medicine test I order is the fasting pre-diabetes panel that looks at markers (including inflammatory markers) to assess your predisposition for diabetes.

Even if you already have a diagnosis of Diabetes, you can be helped.  Prescribing an accepted Mediterranean diet along with a plan for exercise and stress reduction is important.  Prescribing targeted and clinically studied supplements to help reduce your sugar and carb cravings and improve your insulin sensitivity are also part of the program.

If you are overweight or obese, addressing this issue is of primary importance.  Remember that all obese and overweight individuals have inflammation.  So the anti-inflammation program is vital to your success with prediabetes or diabetes.

Please see my section on inflammation