Bioidentical Hormone Replacement FAQ

I love women’s health. I have been prescribing bioidentical hormones for men and women since 1999. It is a specialty of mine. Prescribing bioidentical hormones is not a one size fits all treatment. It is an art that requires experience and wisdom.

What is a bioidentical hormone?

Usually from  natural sources, the bio-identical hormone molecule resembles  what your own body makes.  Patients who use them generally feel much better than when they are on the synthetic hormones.

How do I know if I need BHRT (BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy) ?

It is not for everyone. Your quality of life must be considered.  Do you experience any of the following: depression, mood swings, insomnia, anxiety, horrible hot flashes, anxiety, low libido, fatigue, severe PMS? If any of these symptoms are effecting your ability to be happy and function normally through life, then you might want to consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

What about Breast Cancer Risk?

The majority of the research published on this subject have been done on synthetic or conventional  hormone replacement therapy (CHRT).  Yes, there is an increased risk in the use of synthetic HRT.  However, a study published by Dr. Holtorf in Postgraduate Medicine 2009 shows the opposite for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.  A meta-analysis of all the available studies done on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, demonstrated that they are associated with a lower risk of breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease and are more efficacious than their synthetic or animal derived counterparts.  Until evidence is found to the contrary bioidentical hormone replacement therapy remains the preferred method of HRT.  Of course, further studies are needed on this subject, and the risks must be discussed with your physician.

Update 10/18/2012:  New Study Published in BMJ shows decreased risk of CVD, and Cancer.

How effective is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

An observational cohort study published in the BMC Women’s Health Journal 2011 June 8;11:27, demonstrated that compounded BHRT improves mood symptoms.  So yes, and what my patients tell me about BHRT is correct, they feel much better on it.

Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy only used for menopause?

No, women with the following can benefit as well: PCOS Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, menstrual migraines, PMS/PMDD, insomnia, and many more.

Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy the only way to improve my symptoms?

Absolutely not.  Regular exercise, eliminating sugars, increasing your intake of vegetables, limiting your intake of red meat, limiting or avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, and taking certain supplements can be of great help for many women.

Suggested Dietary Supplements to help your symptoms:

  • 5HTP for mood and sleep
  • Melatonin for sleep
  • Evening Primrose Oil for PMS
  • Black Cohosh for hot flashes
  • Siberian Rhubarb for hot flashes
  • Chaste Berry for PMS
  • Magnesium and B6 for PMS
  • Soy isoflavones for hot flashes/PMS

All of the above have been studied clinically and found to be effective.

What to expect at my clinic:

  • A complete 90 minute initial session with me
  • Body compartment analysis
  • Lab tests (see below)

The labs I recommend can be any of the following:

  • Blood tests for Progesterone, Estrogen, Testosterone, Dhea-S, Thyroid, and others.
  • 24 hour urine for hormones
  • Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
  • Food Antibodies Profile
  • Tests for nutritional deficiencies including magnesium, zinc etc.

See Also:  My Blog on When to Use Bioidentical Thyroid Hormone

Books to read for further information:

The Hormone Solution by Thierry Hertoghe MD

Thyroid Power by Dr. Shames