Helpful or entertaining links in no particular order. Please remember that the content provided at these outside links is not under the control of Dr. Hirani and the Hirani Wellness Medical Center. We do not vouch for the veracity of the information provided at these sites. Please do your own research and use common sense.

Environmental Working Group – The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a not-for-profit environmental research organization dedicated to improving public health and protecting the environment by reducing pollution in air, water and food. EWG is funded almost exclusively by grants from foundations. See also PBS report on EWG.

FoodNews Report Card: Pesticides in Produce – Adjusting your eating habits can lower your intake of pesticides — sometimes dramatically so. Substitute organic for conventional produce that is consistently contaminated with pesticides. When organic is not available, eat fruits and vegetables with consistently low pesticide loads.

Healthy Child Healthy World is dedicated to protecting the health and well being of children from harmful environmental exposures. We educate parents, support protective policies, and engage communities to make responsible decisions, simple everyday choices, and well-informed lifestyle improvements to create healthy environments where children and families can flourish.

MSSM Center for Children’s Health and the Environment – Mount Sinai School of Medicine. It is very refreshing to see conventional doctors, at a medical school none the less, begin to take the the holistic proposition that the long term bio-accumulation of (legal) toxins in food and household products will ultimately lead to poor health and disease!

ATSDR – Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry – The mission of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) as an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is to serve the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and disease related to toxic substances.

IAHP – The Institutes® is a nonprofit educational organization that serves children by introducing parents to the field of child brain development. Parents learn how to enhance significantly the development of their children physically, intellectually and socially in a joyous and sensible way.

Holistic Pediatric Association is a non-profit membership organization that challenges the accepted wisdom of current standards of care and offers an additional understanding of health, wellness, and illness. The HPA provides alternative approaches and treatments for pediatricians and other health care professionals to use in their practices. HPA web resources page.

Not Too Pretty – Phthalates are virtually everywhere. Deodorants, car seats, hair spray, IV bags, perfume, vinyl flooring, wallpaper, and siding all contain phthalates. Some of the leading beauty manufactures use phthalates in their products — such as Pantene Pro V “Healthy Hold” and Aqua Net hair sprays, Arrid and Degree deodorants, many fragrances including Poison by Christian Dior and Coty’s Healing Garden contain phthalates, as well as Cover Girl, Sally Hansen and Maybelline (L’Oreal) nail polishes. However, for every ubiquitous use, there are readily available alternatives that are already in use. Some websites that offer natural cosmetics: Aveda, Burt’s Bees, Dr. Hauschka, ECCO BELLA, Jane Iredale, Pur Minerals.

Our Stolen Future – This web site,, is the web home for the authors of Our Stolen Future, where we provide regular updates about the cutting edge of science related to endocrine disruption. We will also post information about ongoing policy debates, as well as new suggestions about what you can do as a consumer and citizen to minimize risks related to hormonally-disruptive contaminants. – Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF) provides support, information and assistance to people affected by Celiac Disease/Dermatitis Herpetiformis (CD/DH). CDF increases awareness among the general public. CDF works closely with health care professionals, pharmaceutical and medical industries. This cooperative effort puts CDF at the forefront of CD/DH care and research, helping us to aid and benefit those affected. CDF works closely with an international group of experts from multiple disciplines who serve on our medical advisory board. CDF provides a link between clinical research and patient care. Working together, we help ensure that clinical advancements concerning CD/DH result in improvements in the quality of life for those affected. CDF played a key role in the formation of the Celiac Disease Standardization Group (CDSG), and is a founding member of American Celiac Task Force (ACTF). CDF provides a community of support for people affected by Celiac Disease. CDF is a resource for anyone seeking increased knowledge about this disease. – The Celiac Disease and Gluten-free Diet Support Page provides important resources and information for people on gluten-free diets due to celiac disease, gluten intolerance, dermatitis herpetiformis, wheat allergy, or other health reasons. offers key gluten and wheat-free on-line resources that are helpful to anyone with special dietary needs.

Trade Secrets – Bill Moyers (PBS) report on the chemical industry that shows how most chemical companies willfully hide the health implications of exposure to their products

Mercury Rising – Bill Moyers (PBS) report. Mercury emissions from power plants have never been regulated by the federal government. It took a ten year legal battle waged by the Natural Resources Defense Council for the EPA to finally issue a proposed mercury regulation in January of 2004. According to the EPA, “the Utility Mercury Reductions proposal would cut mercury emissions by nearly 70 percent when fully implemented.” The EPA originally announced that full implementation would be achieved by the year 2018 but after some criticism has backed away from offering a specific end date.

The Mercury Story – Bill Moyers (PBS) report. In America one-in-six children born every year have been exposed to mercury levels so high that they are potentially at risk for learning disabilities and motor skill impairment and short-term memory loss. That type of mercury exposure is caused by eating certain kinds of fish, which contain high levels of the toxin from both natural and man-made sources such as emissions from coal-fired power plants. One government analysis shows that 630,000 children each year are exposed to potentially unsafe mercury levels in the womb. If the government and its scientists know about the mercury problem, why do so many people continue to be poisoned?

The Mercury Policy Project (MPP) works to promote policies to eliminate mercury uses, reduce the export and trafficking of mercury, and significantly reduce mercury exposures at the local, national, and international levels.

MEDLINEplus Alternative Medicine – plenty of consumer information on Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine – NIH department for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Store Wars Store Wars is the latest outreach effort of OTA to educate consumers about the many benefits of
organic products. By spoofing a pop culture phenomenon like Star Wars, OTA hopes to attract a new generation of organic consumers, especially “Gen Xers” who grew up loving Luke, Leia and Han, and are now increasingly concerned about making healthy food choices for their families.

The Meatrix Sustainable Table celebrates the sustainable food movement, educates consumers on food-related issues and works to build community through food. The program is home to the critically-acclaimed, award-winning Meatrix movies – The Meatrix, The Meatrix II: Revolting and The Meatrix II½.

Marijuana and Cancer Risk

Marijuana and Cancer Risk

Marijuana and Cancer Risk Recreational marijuana use is linked to increased risk of testicular cancer, according to new research from the Keck School of Medicine at USC. Pot smokers were twice as likely to have testicular cancers of the non-seminoma

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Delay Antibiotic Use

Delay Antibiotic Use

Amoxicillin for Acute Sinusitis?  It is better to wait. A randomized controlled trial published in JAMA (Journal Of The American Medical Association, February 15, 2012) looked at amoxicillin in 166 adults with acute sinusitis. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed for acute

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