Environmental Exposures and Cancer Risk

There has been concern that potentially toxic material and emissions at the World Trade Center (WTC) site may be associated with cancer risk in exposed individuals. Analysis of data from the WTC Health Registry, including 21,850 rescue and recovery workers,  33,928 individuals not involved in WTC rescue and recovery operations, and 11 state cancer registries, researchers found that compared with New York State residents overall, WTC rescue and recovery workers were at excess risk of prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, and myeloma. Risk was unrelated to the intensity of exposure.

These results further corroborate the message many activists have been broadcasting of the deleterious effects that environmental toxins play in cancers, and probably other illnesses like autism and ADHD.

This study is the impetus for us participate in environmental action. Things you could do, for example, is eat foods without pesticides, use green cleaning products in the home, avoid plastic water bottles and containers, eat whole foods and less processed and packaged foods that tend to be ladened with artificial flavorings and colorings, and preservatives. These recommendations are a few of many proactive things you could do for your self.

If you were in NY near the WTC site at the time, then you should be extra vigilant about reducing your cancer risk.


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