Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is the use of medical grade ozone, a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to create a therapeutic response in the body. Ozone therapy stimulates your body’s innate immune system to repair and regenerate, allowing the body to heal itself.

History of Ozonotherapy

Ozone was discovered in 1840 by Christian Friedrich Schonbein. In 1932, Swiss dentists first used ozonated H2O as a disinfectant. In 1950, after ozone-resistant materials were manufactured, two German doctors developed the first ozone generator for medical use. Their design continues to be the basis for modern equipment used today. European clinics have practiced ozone therapy for more than 50 years. Ozone therapy was first introduced into the United States in the early 1980’s and has been increasingly used since.

What does it do exactly?

  • Antimicrobial effect-ozone works destructively against bacteria, fungi, and viruses whilst leaving human body cells unharmed.
  • Activates the immune system in infectious diseases
  • Improves cellular utilization of oxygen in heart disease, and in the diseases associated with aging (eg cancer, Alzheimer’s , diabetes, and arthritis).
  • Causes the release of growth factors that stimulate healing in damaged joints and degenerative discs.
  • Can dramatically reduce or even eliminate many cases of chronic pain through its action on pain receptors.
  • Published papers on benefits in interstitial cystitis, chronic hepatitis, herpes, dental infections, diabetes, macular degeneration.

How is medical grade ozone made?

Pure oxygen from a medical grade tank is passed through a tube where electrical energy breaks apart the O2 oxygen to form O3 or ozone along with O2.

How is medical grade ozone used?

Dr. Hirani is trained in the use of medical grade ozone and can administer it into the blood, joints, and body cavities like the rectum and vagina.

What conditions respond to Ozonotherapy?

Heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, herpes, hepatitis, interstitial cystitis, diabetes, Lyme disease, chemical sensitivity, macular degeneration, intestinal disorders, autoimmune disorders.


The word prolozone is a portmanteau combining  the word ozone and the Latin word prioli, which means to regenerate or rebuild.   Prolozone therapy was developed by Frank Shallenberger MD. It involves injecting a mixture of ozone gas, procaine, vitamin B12,  and selected homeopathic preparations into soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons where they attach to the bone.  These injections cause beneficial localized inflammation and anabolic (muscle-building) effects in weakened areas, and consequently increase blood supply and the stimulation of fibroblasts deposits.  Fibroblasts are the cells that the body uses to repair damaged connective tissue.  This injection technique has application for all forms of musculoskeletal and joint pain including chronic neck and back pain, rotor cuff injuries, degenerative and arthritic hips and knees, degenerated discs, shoulders and elbow pain. It actually corrects the pathology of the disorder; in my opinion, if you are a candidate, there is a 75% chance for chronic pain sufferers to become pain free.

Dr. Shallenberger  writes:

Ozone stimulates the cells called fibroblasts and chondroblasts to lay down more collagen and cartilage, and in this way actually heal damaged joints and ligaments.  Many patients who were told, “you need a total knee hip replacement, ” are still out running around years later after a series of ozone injections. Injecting ozone into injured or degenerated backs, hips, knees, shoulders, or necks is very rewarding.”

Shallenberger uses this method to treat patients suffering from a wide variety of chronic pain syndromes including:  neck pain,  whiplash,  degenerated or herniated discs,  carpel tunnel syndrome, torn tendons, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) syndrome,  sciatica,  heel spurs, neuromas,  tennis elbow,  rotator cuff tears, knee injuries,  and other sports injuries.  He also finds Prolozone useful in reducing scar tissue created by accidents or surgery.

Shallenberger writes,

When Prolozone therapy is administered correctly, there is an 85 percent chance for the chronic pain sufferer to become completely pain free.

In his book the Oxygen Prescription, Nathaniel Altman writes,

In October 2005 I attended a seminar devoted to Prolozone therapy conducted by Dr. Shallenberger for physicians and witnessed impressive results.  Many, but not all, of the patients complaining of chronic joint pain found almost immediate relief, although a series of four to five treatments is recommended over a period of several months.


  1. Seidler, V., Linetskiy I., Hubalkova, H. Ozone and Its Usage in General Medicine and Dentistry. A Review Article. Prague Medical Report 2008; 109(1): 5-13
  2. Applied Ozone Systems. (online) (cited 2010 Jan. 13). Ozone Therapy Oxygen Therapies. Available from www.appliedozone.com/medical.html
  3. The American Academy of Ozone Therapy. (online) (cited 2014 Jan. 13). www.aaot.us
  4. Bocci, VA. Scientific and Medical Aspects of Ozone Therapy. State of The Art Arch Medical Resource 2006; 37 (4): 425-35. DOI:10.1016 J.ArchMed.2005.08.006(PubMed)
  5. Altman, Nathaniel, and Nathaniel Altman. “14 Musculoskeletal Problems.” The Oxygen Prescription: The Miracle of Oxidative Therapies. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts, 2007. 165-66. Print.