Who can benefit from Neurofeedback?

Individuals of any age can benefit from EEG training.

Neurofeedback can help a variety of childhood problems including bedwetting, nightmares, ADHD, seizure disorder and other forms of disruptive and conduct behaviors.

Neurofeedback can assist adolescents who struggle with anxiety and depression or drug and alcohol use.

For adults, Neurofeedback can alleviate symptoms of physical and emotional problems such as migraines, headaches, PMS, PTSD, insomnia, fatigue, IBS, reflux, narcolepsy, cerebal palsy, and others.

Neurofeedback can help anyone maintain good brain function as we age. Peak performers also use EEG training to enhance their abilities in sports, business and the arts.

Recent studies show autism is also helped by the stimulation of mirror neurons. This is also reflected in the clinical improvement seen with Autistic children at treated our clinic.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is brain exercise. Through the use of sensors we measure your brain activity. We display this information graphically in the form of a video game. As you play the game, mental shifts toward ideal and stable brain states are rewarded. In some respects, Neurofeedback is like putting the brain on a stair-stepper to exercise certain regulatory functions continuously. This is applicable to a wide variety of functional deficits. It is a gradual learning process. Usually 20 to 40 sessions are required to see improvement, however, in some cases results are seen earlier. Neurofeedback is also called EEG biofeedback.

How Does EEG Neurofeedback help the brain?

Neurofeedback helps the brain self-regulate. Self-regulation is necessary for optimal brain function. Self-regulation training enhances the function of the central nervous system and thereby improves mental performance, emotional control and physiological stability. With neurofeedback we target bioelectrical functioning of the brain, which is a different and more important issue than chemical imbalances. By detecting brain waves going “off track” through the use of EEG, we can train the brain back toward enhanced stability, and improve brain function. We thereby help the brain re-regulate itself.

Does Neurofeedback cure symptoms or conditions?

Neurofeedback improves brain function. Improvements are lasting as the brain continues to use and reinforce its new capabilities. In degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, or in other cases where there is a constant insult like toxic environmental exposure, ongoing training may be required to hold gains.

How is Neurofeedback done?

Passive sensors are attached to the scalp with EEG paste, which then pick up brain waves. It is painless and does not involve the application of any voltage or current to the brain, so IT IS ENTIRELY NON-INVASIVE.

A computer processes your brain waves and extracts certain information from them. We show you the ebb and flow of your brain waves in the form of a video game. We instruct you how to play the video game using only your brain waves. (Everyone can do it.) The specific brain wave frequencies we reward and the sensor locations on the scalp are unique to each individual.

Is there any scientific evidence that Neurofeedback is effective?

Clinicians and researchers have had more than twenty years of experience using Neurofeedback. It has been academically and scientifically studied and its positive results have been published in numerous peer reviewed journals. There is a significant body of research regarding the benefits in the treatment of ADHD. More recently, researchers are investigating the use of Neurofeedback for Autism Spectrum Disorder because of promising emerging results. For more information, please contact our office.

Is all Neurofeedback the Same?

Clinical results depend on equipment and clinician knowledge. The state-of-the-art equipment used at the Hirani Wellness Medical Center is FDA approved and is in a special class of equipment capable of training the brain at very low frequencies. This enables Dr. Hirani to utilize treatment protocols that tend to produce clinical results faster. Similarly, performing Neurofeedback in conjunction with other biomedical therapies offered at our clinic can often provide enhanced results for patients.

EEG Neurofeedback and ADHD

EEG Biofeedback in the Treatment of AD/HD
Electroencephalographic Biofeedback in the Treatment of AD/HD
Literature Review Regarding the Efficacy of Neurofeedback for ADHD (takes a long time to load)
Book – A Symphony in the Brain
Book – ADD The 20-Hour Solution

EEG Neurofeedback and Autism

NPR Segment – Neuroscientist Focus on Autism
Positive behavioral and electrophysiological changes following neurofeedback training in children with autism, Pineda et. al.
Neurofeedback May Help Retrain Brainwaves
Neurofeedback Training Elicits Improvements in ASD
Assesment-Guided Neurofeedback for Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Mirror Neurons and Autism

UC Newsroom- Autism Linked to Mirror Neuron Dysfunction
Scientific American – Broken Mirrors Theory of Autism
Scientific American – Lack of Mirror Neurons may Explain
Mirror, Mirror In the Brain
Autism’s Smoking Gun?
Mirror Neuron Theory of Autism
EEG Evidence for Mirror Neuron Dysfunction in ASD
NOVA Science NOW video segment Mirror Neurons

General EEG Neurofeedback

Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
EEG Info Research Page Many links to ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, PTST, Autism, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Cerebal Palsy, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Depression, Epilepsy, PMS, Sleep, OCD, Substance Abuse and Addiction, Stroke, and Others