This is from one of my medical journals (Family Practice News 5/10/12).

“The thought is that if you can restore a balanced intestinal flora in somebody with IBS, you may be able to eliminate the symptoms. So a better biome may mean a better life,” explained Cmdr. Patrick E. Young, USN, a gastroenterologist at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.

By far the best-studied probiotic in the treatment of IBS is Bifidobacterium infantis. It is supported by “very powerful” data showing reductions in bloating, abdominal pain, and passing of gas, as well as easing of bowel movement difficulty and normalization of aberrant peripheral cytokine levels, according to Dr. Young.

The probiotics that I prescribe of course are much stronger than the ones you get in yogurt.  Depending on your situation, I may have a patient take 100 billion CFU (colony forming units) twice a day.  The probiotic strain should be a clinically studied strain like the one above.   Please check the product label for strain and dose when you purchase at the health food store, or contact my clinic to purchase.

Here is link to journal article:
Efficacy of an encapsulated probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 in women with irritable bowel syndrome.

See Also

Gut and its bacteria is a growing focus of research
Specialty Lab Testing for Gastro Intestinal Markers

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